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+1 (281) 612-9990


We offer a variety of vaccinations to protect you and the community from serious and sometimes fatal diseases. We also offer flu shots to help you stay healthy all year long. Getting a vaccination in our office will ensure you get the correct dosage and are protected from the dangers of contracting a serious illness.

Vaccination is the process of introducing a vaccine into the body to stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies against a particular disease. Vaccination is also called immunization.

The vaccination service we provide is for all ages and meets the needs of patients and families. We offer vaccination services for adults, children, infants, and pregnant women. We also offer vaccinations for travel abroad, work-related vaccinations, and other special circumstances.

Experience and Professionalism

With years of experience, our medical team will assess you and create a custom recovery plan that’s right for you. We understand the importance of educating you on the most effective ways to take care of your body, so that you can heal quickly.